A letter from Barbara and Dana Davis (click here)
A note on donations: Thank you for your support during this difficult time. Our staff is working remotely, so please be patient with us as we work through gift acknowledgements.
To make a donation to support on-going needs during this time of recovery, click here.
Barbara Davis Center Updates
Updated 7/22/2020
For more information, visit www.barbaradaviscenter.org and click the “Important Information” banner at the top of the page.
COVID-19 and Diabetes:
With the rising number of coronavirus/COVID-19 cases in Colorado and Wyoming, we understand that patients with diabetes and their families will have special concerns about how this may impact their health. For older adults with diabetes, it has been widely published that diabetes represents a major risk factor for complications of COVID-19. The virus typically has a milder course in children, and the evidence we have so far suggests that most children and young people with diabetes are not at a significantly higher risk of severe COVID-19 disease than other children and young people of the same age. However, as with other viral illnesses, there is an increased risk for ketones and even DKA if diabetes is not carefully managed. Please keep in mind that we are learning new information about this novel virus on a daily basis.
How can I prevent my child from getting COVID-19? Should I do anything differently?
We advise children with diabetes and their families to be vigilant to well-known preventative measures to help prevent infection including:
- Hand washing
- Maintaining social distancing
- Using a mask when out of the home
- Avoid being around anyone who is sick
- Following all local regulations regarding public activity
What if my child has symptoms of COVID-19?
If your child has concerning symptoms, please contact your primary care doctor or pediatrician to arrange for testing and seek medical advice. Please follow your blood glucose and ketones closely and follow your diabetes sick day plan.
My child has tested positive for COVID-19, what do we do?
It is important to monitor your blood glucose and ketones closely and follow your sick day plan. If your child is having high fever, trouble breathing or other concerning symptoms, you should call their primary care provider or seek urgent medical care.
Should I keep my child out of school in the fall if it is in-person?
This will be a decision that each family has to make based on their situation. The decision to have school in-person will be based on the community transmission in your area. The benefits of learning, socializing with peers and being involved in school activities must be considered with the risk of the virus. COVID-19 typically has a milder course in children, and the evidence we have so far suggests that most children and young people with diabetes are not at a significantly higher risk compared to other children and young people of the same age. However, as with other viral illnesses, there is an increased risk for ketones and even DKA if diabetes is not carefully managed.
Whether schools meet in-person or with distance learning, your child has rights. ADA has helpful resources on this topic: https://www.diabetes.org/coronavirus-covid-19/know-your-rights-covid-19
Thank you for your dedication to your child’s diabetes management. As always, should you have specific concerns that come up, do not hesitate to contact our clinic.
Pediatric Clinic and Adult Clinic
All regularly scheduled in-person visits are cancelled through April 30.
Clinics will be able to see newly diagnosed patients with type 1 diabetes on a limited and scheduled basis. However, we will not be able to see newly diagnosed patients at the BDC if, within the past 14 days, the patient or any member of the household or close contact has had:
- Fever, cough, respiratory symptoms or shortness of breath
- Been in close contact (in same room or within 6 feet) with a person diagnosed with or who is under investigation for Coronavirus
Please call 303-724-2323 (Pediatric Clinic) or 303-724-6755 (Adult Clinic) and we will help you to receive diabetes care and education at a safe location.
For established patients, we have expanded our ability to help you without the risk of travel and exposure to Coronavirus. Our providers are available to schedule visits as telephone or telemedicine visits. To review glucose downloads, make dosing changes, or address non-urgent problems, please contact your provider by MyChart or email between 8 am and 4 pm, Monday through Friday.
- Urgent calls: 303-724-2323 then 1 (English), 2 (Peds clinic) and 9
- To re-schedule visit call: 303-724-2323 then 1 (English), 2 (Peds clinic) and 2
- For prescriptions call: 303-724-2323 then 1 (English), 2 (Peds clinic) and 3 (refill)
- Adult Clinic (all calls): 303-724-6755
Eye Clinic
All regularly scheduled in-person visits are cancelled through April 30.
- Urgent calls: 303-724-2323
- Non-urgent or prescription calls: 720-724-6735 (leave a message)
Clinical Research Studies
All scheduled in-person visits are cancelled through April 30.
If you have a question, please contact your study coordinator/research assistant. Email might be the best way to contact your study coordinator at this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience during this national emergency. Stay safe – we hope to see you again, soon. For more information on Coronavirus, please visit the CDC website at www.cdc.gov
Clinica de Pediatria Y Clinica de Adultos
Todas las citas de seguimiento en persona han sido canceladas hasta el dia 30 de Abril.
Las clinicas podran ver pacientes con diagnostico reciente de diabetes tipo uno de manera limitada y con cita.Sin embargo: NO SE PODRAN VER PACIENTES DE DIAGNOSTICO RECIENTE EN EL BDC SI: En los ultimos 14 dias: El paciente o cualquier familiar que este en contacto cercano al paciente haya tenido:
- Fiebre, tos, dificultad para respirar, sudores, bochornos, escalofrios o dolor de cuerpo.
- Ha estado en contacto cercano (en el mismo cuarto o a 6 pies de distancia) con una persona que tenga o que esta en investigacion de tener Coronavirus.
Por favor llame al numero 303-724-2323 (Clinica de pediatria) o al 303-724-6755 (Clinica de Adultos) y le ayudaremos a recibir atencion medica y educacion para el cuidado de su diabetes en un lugar seguro.
Para pacientes ya establecidos , hemos expandido nuestra capacidad de ayudarles sin el riesgo de viajar o exponerse al coronavirus. Nuestros provedores de salud tienen ya la capacidad de darles citas a traves de via Telefonica o de visitas de telemedicina (video).
Para revizar sus numeros de azucar , ajustar dosis de insulina, o recibir consejos o ayuda no urgente, por favor contacte a sus provedores a traves de MyChart o email de 8am a 4 pm de Lunes a Viernes.
- Llamadas Urgentes Clinica Pediatrica 303-724-2323 > 2 (Espanol), 2 (Clinica pediatrica) and 9
- Para cambiar su cita pediatrica: 303-724-2323 > 2 (Espanol), 2 (Clinica pediatrica) and 2
- Recetas de pediatria: 303-724-2323 > 2 (Espanol), 2 (Clinica pediatrica) and 3
- Llamadas Clinica de Adultos (todas las llamadas): 303-724-6755
Clinica de los Ojos
Todas las citas regulares en persona estan canceladas hasta el dia 30 de Abril
- Llamadas Urgentes: 303-724-2323
- Llamadas no urgentes para recetas: 303-724-6735 (Deje mensaje)
Estudios de Investigacion Clinica
Todas las citas regulares en persona estan canceladas hasta el dia 30 de Abril
Si tiene preguntas, contacte a su coordinador del studio o asistente de investigacion. Email debe ser la mejor manera de contactar a su coordinador en estos momentos.
Una disculpa por las molestias durante esta emergencia nacional. Por Favor mantenganse a salvo. Esperamos poder verlos nuevamente pronto.
Additional Diabetes & Coronavirus Resources
Prescription Assistance Discount Programs and Databases (pdf)
COVID-19 Updates and Sick Day Planning | American Diabetes Association
Coronavirus and Diabetes: What You Need to Know | Diabetes Daily
Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
California Department of Public Health
Denver Department of Public Health & Environment
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Colorado Financial Hardship Resources (below)
Telephone Assistance Program: 303-866-5700
This is a program that is run in partnership with the Colorado Department of Human Services and it will pay a portion of your monthly phone bill. While some companies may provide a free cell phone, it is more likely to receive a discount on basic phone or cellular service.
Colorado Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+): 800-359-1991
A low-cost health insurance plan that is offered for Colorado’s uninsured children and pregnant women. It is a health insurance program available for children from low income families and pregnant women who cannot afford private health insurance.
Food Stamps Program: 303-866-3122
Assists lower income families and individuals who need assistance purchasing food. Helps ensure the nutritional needs of families are met.
Colorado Employment First: (719) 486-2497
Increases employment opportunities for food stamp participants through referrals, support, accountability, and community work, and credit repair. Also provides advice on how to eliminate debt.
Colorado Child Care Assistance Program
This program helps parents afford childcare while they are actively working, receiving job training or looking for work. This program may also be called the Low Income Child Care Assistance. Dial 303.866.5700, or read more on child care assistance in Colorado.
Colorado Works/TANF: (303) 866-6210
This will help strengthen families by providing cash grants, promoting opportunities for comprehensive job training, and fiscal support to state residents.

Sunday Service at Trattoria Stella | April 5, 2020
Black Project Gives | April 15, 2020
Following guidelines from the Governor of Colorado and the Centers for Disease Control in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, these events will be postponed. CDF will share the latest information and updated dates for these fundraisers as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and we hope to see you soon!
EPIC Diabetes Conference | April 25, 2020

The EPIC Diabetes Conference on April 25, 2020 has been canceled in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our first priority is the safety of attendees. On Friday, the Governor of Colorado prohibited gatherings of more than 250 people in order to limit the potential spread of infection. Enthusiastic participation is a large part of the success of this conference and we want to ensure a welcoming and safe environment for our many attendees. On behalf of the staff of the Barbara Davis Center and the Children’s Diabetes Foundation, we hope you will all join us next year at the 2021 EPIC Diabetes Conference.
If you have already purchased tickets for the 2020 EPIC Diabetes Conference, a full refund will be issued via your form of payment directly from EventBrite. This process will begin immediately. Please look for an email from EventBrite within 24-48 hours.
Please visit ChildrensDiabetesFoundation.org to learn more, donate to support our T1D community through diabetes care and research, or join our mailing list for the latest news and special events.
ATDC Keystone Conference | July 16-19, 2020
The ATDC Keystone Conference July 16-29, 2020 has been canceled in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our first priority is the safety of attendees and we look forward to hosting this event in 2021.
Spring Brass Ring Luncheon & Fashion Show | September 9, 2020

The Spring Brass Ring Luncheon & Fashion Show has been rescheduled for Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at the Hilton Denver City Center.
The event, originally scheduled for May 6th, was postponed in accordance with the March 15th directive issued by the CDC and the State of Colorado restricting gatherings over 50 people. The safety, health and well-being of our guests is our top priority.
On behalf of the Children’s Diabetes Foundation, Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes (BDC) and our event chairs, Dave Barnes and Scottie Taylor Iverson, we sincerely hope you will be able to join us on the new date to celebrate and recognize our work for those living with type 1 diabetes.
Thank you for all you do for CDF and the BDC! We look forward to our continued partnership in strengthening the type 1 diabetes community and assisting those living with the disease. See the event page for more details and FAQs.