By Michael Prichard

On March 24th, at my college of 500 students, I performed quite possibly my final concert. I have been a self-proclaimed hip-hop/rap artist since I was 13, and have performed in churches, for a memorial service, a Thanksgiving event that fed thousands of homeless people, a variety of venues in multiple cities, for chapel at my school, multi-cultural events, and randomly with friends and family. The stage has been a wonderful platform for me, and the microphone has become my life image as it allows me to speak into others’ lives and influence them.

I write this to give creative ideas to those with type 1. When thinking of stage names, I took a nickname that I had been given in my tween years: ‘Betes (yes as in diabetes). It has allowed me to do quite a few things. I am able to tell people how it’s pronounced, give them my diabetes story, educate them on what type 1 is and what I am required to do to manage it, and do it all while allowing people to relax and enjoy some vibe music.

This concert finale gave me an opportunity to share my story through song. I wrote a piece called A Diabetes Song (clever, I know) that spoke into what happened leading up to my diagnoses, the early stages, and what I hope to encourage people in now as they have their own type 1 walk. Writing this, I am only days away from my 14th diabetes anniversary. Thinking how much has happened in that time is heartening! A year after I started rapping, I gained a desire to enter the medical field, a journey I am continuing on to this day.

These two things, rapping and my occupational direction, stem from my chronic disease that I will most likely have my whole life. I would never wish type 1 diabetes on anyone. I would be distraught and sad if one of my siblings or close friends were diagnosed with it. But those fearful thoughts do not and cannot hinder me from using my circumstances to speak into others with a positive light. If you have type 1, this message is for you! I’ll quote the last bar in A Diabetes Song to drive home what I hope you realize: “Use your gifts with a purpose, your life is not superfluous.” Do not limit yourself. Spread your wings and fly!