On September 27th, 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the approval of the FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System for adult patients. This device has been largely used in Europe with success and will now change the future of diabetes care for patients with type 1 diabetes in the United States by eliminating the need for finger sticks. This quarter-sized device is approved to be worn on the back of the arm for 10 days and glucose levels can be scanned by running a monitor over the inserted device. Calibrations are not required and for patients with type 1 diabetes, not having to take finger sticks to know their blood sugar is a game-changer for this disease. nnThe device does require a warm-up period of 12 hours when it won’t be able to give glucose readings, but otherwise, no calibrations or additional glucose testing will be necessary since calibrations happen in the factory. This is called non-adjunctive treatment, meaning that the values can be used to determine insulin dosing or treating lows without double checking against a separate blood glucose meter. nnnnUnlike Continuous Glucose Monitors, the Freestyle Libre Glash Glucose Monitoring System does not give continuous data or alarm for highs and lows. Glucose values are given only when the device is swiped, but the information can be downloaded at the end of the 10 day period to be evaluated. nnPatients and providers were always asking for such a product. We think the future of CGM and flash glucose monitoring is bright with all the ongoing research that is likely to impact lives of people with diabetes positively and hopefully reduce the ‘‘overall diabetes burden.’’nn